Frequently Asked Questions
Is it really just 2 cents per call?
Yes! There are no hardware or software costs, no long distance charges, no service or installation fees, and no phone lines required. 2 cents per call, plain and simple
How fast can you get my calls out?
Once we have your list and recording we can send out your calls within 15 minutes. Our peak capacity is currently 1,000,000 calls per hour; however we're working hard to increase that capacity. We made millions of calls the Monday before Election Day in 2018.
Will I have to pay for every home number I give you whether or not the call was successful?
Yes. This way, there are no surprises! It also gives our clients incentive to keep their phone lists clean, and protects our system from users who want to call random phone numbers. After your auto call is complete, you will receive a report indicating which numbers are disconnected or invalid. This helps you maintain your phone list.
With an uncleansed phone list, 75% of our auto calls will go through to a live person or voicemail on average. With a cleansed phone list, our connect rate can be as high as 90%!
How do I see the results of my call?
Once your call is completed, we will send you a line-item report. This will show you the details of every single call made to give you the maxium amount of data for the future.

Let us take care of everything for you

Let us take care of everything for you
Can I choose my own caller ID?
Yes! But beware that you might get flooded with a lot of unwanted call-backs. Otherwise we can provide a generic phone number.
We have no minimum or maximum list size, but we do have a $50 campaign minimum.
Whose voice will people hear? Can I use my own recording?
Of course you can! It's easy to make your recording. Just call our automated recording line as instructed in your welcome email.
If you would rather make your own recording, that's ok too. For best results, record your message on a fast computer with a good quality microphone or headset. A USB microphone will often be easier to setup than a standard microphone plugged into the back of the computer.
Are there any restrictions on messages?
Yes. 2 cent auto calls is not intended to be used for unwanted calls. Each user is responsible for ensuring that their use of the system complies with all applicable laws and all other provisions within our Terms of Use. Please read our Terms of Use thoroughly before completing the checkout process.
Do people complain about being bothered by automated calls?
This is a common question from potential clients who are unfamiliar with this technology. Complaints have been very minimal. People are inclined to listen to a 30 second message if the caller identifies as the candidate or as a celebrity. People are typically less irritated by this technology than by live calling, since the interruption in their lives is very brief and does not involve having to end an unwelcome conversation with a sales person.
Do I need to supply my own list?
You can supply your own phone list, but if you do not have one we can provide you a customized list of registered voters. You pay just 3 cents per record and you own the list, we do not rent lists. We can build a list based on any data element – state, election district, age, gender, income, voter history, etc.
Do you have a call minimum?
We have no minimum or maximum list size, but we do have a $25 campaign minimum
What is the "connect" or penetration" rate?
The connect rate is how many people actually picked up the phone or had their answering machine capture your message. That determines how many people actually listened to your message. The single biggest factor is the quality of your list of phone numbers.
A campaign voter data list will have an average connect rate of 90%. Lists from a qualified data provider such as 2 Cent Auto Calls will have an average connect rate of 80%, with a variance dependent on the district itself. Voter registration lists from the Registrar of Voters will average less than 70% connect rate. Lists taken from telephone directories have an average connect rate of 80%.
How Do I pay for my call?
For your convenience and peace of mind, all transactions are run throught PayPal's verified invoicing service.